aeydr RSS notes CloudFormation, Applications & Separation of Concerns Quickly initializing tools with ASDF A strict execution pipeline with Terraform ASDF, Toolchains and a Single Plugin as Package Database Predictable naming of resources in CloudFormation Packaged bundles of Infrastructure through Terraform Cloud agnostic terraform patterns using build artifact metadata Terraform, AWS & Sourcing Secrets Tags in Terraform, overriding defaults and module-level tags Postgres Delete/Restore by Table Properties Soft Deletes as the responsibility of the Database Dynamic templating facilitated through gomplate Bazel, Container Push & Infrastructure in Builds Cost Categories, Infrastructure and Tags Pseudo Content Addressable Storage within S3 Denying point & click EC2s within AWS Accounts Prebuilt IAM policies, and least privilege in AWS AWS Accounts and the hidden costs of compliance Prefix Lists for Common Third Party Services Message prompts when connecting to EC2s Why are Lambda zip names sometimes random strings in CloudFormation? Deployment keys for unique deployments Terraform deployments A workflow for creating new AWS Accounts Third party secrets management with dedicated vault AWS Accounts Root domain Hosted Zones within dedicated AWS Accounts Managing an AWS Organization using Terraform A re-usable help command for Makefiles Default provisioning of infrastructure in a standby state Minimal AWS Accounts for permission restrictions Self-registration of infrastructure with Terraform Entrypoint AWS Accounts for third party services Pullthrough cache for mirrored public ECR images Centralizing artifacts for an AWS Organization Entrypoint AWS Accounts for third party services Restricted IAM Roles within continuous integration Restricted SSH for instances using session manager & IAM SSM & Pre-defined users for least privilege SSH Precomputed APIs using AWS S3 buckets Infrastructure guards to prevent accidental destruction StackSets with Parameter Store for AWS Resource Access Manager Shares Empty CloudFormation Stacks using WaitConditionHandle Kubernetes, CloudFormation and OIDC Magic Numbers Mirroring external containers images to internal registries Using empty CloudFormation Stacks to publish outputs for CloudFormation Using Conditions within CloudFormation Templates for property overrides Using CloudFormation Mappings to define preset resource reservations for rightsizing Using multiple Terraform AWS Providers for global infrastructure Using Feature Flags within Terraform for conditional infrastructure Using built-in CloudFormation macros to source AMI IDs by a friendly identifier Using built-in CloudFormation variables to generate unique resource names